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Tag Text

In this guide, we are going to show you how to tag text using the PyMUSAS RuleBasedTagger so that you can extract token level USAS semantic tags from the tagged text. The guide is broken down into different languages, for each guide we are going to:

  1. Download the relevant pre-configured PyMUSAS RuleBasedTagger spaCy component for the language.
  2. Download and use a Natural Language Processing (NLP) pipeline that will tokenize, lemmatize, and Part Of Speech (POS) tag. In most cases, this will be a spaCy pipeline. Note that the PyMUSAS RuleBasedTagger only requires at minimum the data to be tokenized but having the lemma and POS tag will improve the accuracy of the tagging of the text.
  3. Run the PyMUSAS RuleBasedTagger.
  4. Extract token-level linguistic information from the tagged text, which will include USAS semantic tags.
  5. For Chinese, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Welsh, and English taggers which support Multi Word Expression (MWE) identification and tagging we will show how to extract this information from the tagged text as well.



First download both the Chinese PyMUSAS RuleBasedTagger spaCy component and the small Chinese spaCy model:

pip install
python -m spacy download zh_core_web_sm

Then create the tagger, in a Python script:


Currently, there is no lemmatization component in the spaCy pipeline for Chinese.

import spacy

# We exclude the following components as we do not need them.
nlp = spacy.load('zh_core_web_sm', exclude=['parser', 'ner'])
# Load the Chinese PyMUSAS rule-based tagger in a separate spaCy pipeline
chinese_tagger_pipeline = spacy.load('cmn_dual_upos2usas_contextual')
# Adds the Chinese PyMUSAS rule-based tagger to the main spaCy pipeline
nlp.add_pipe('pymusas_rule_based_tagger', source=chinese_tagger_pipeline)

The tagger is now set up for tagging text through the spaCy pipeline like so (this example follows on from the last). The example text is taken from the Chinese Wikipedia page on the topic of The Nile River:

text = "尼罗河 是一条流經非洲東部與北部的河流,與中非地區的剛果河、非洲南部的赞比西河以及西非地区的尼日尔河並列非洲最大的四個河流系統。"

output_doc = nlp(text)

print(f'Text\tPOS\tUSAS Tags')
for token in output_doc:
Text    POS     USAS Tags
尼罗河 PROPN ['Z2']
是 VERB ['A3', 'Z5']
一 NUM ['N1']
条 NUM ['G2.1/P1', 'S7.4-', 'A1.7+', 'S8-']
流經 ADJ ['Z99']
非洲 PROPN ['Z2']
東部 NOUN ['Z99']
與北部 PROPN ['Z99']
的 PART ['Z5']
河流 NOUN ['W3/M4', 'N5+']
與 VERB ['Z99']
中非 PROPN ['Z99']
地區 NOUN ['Z99']
的 PART ['Z5']
剛果河 PROPN ['Z99']
非洲 PROPN ['Z2']
南部 NOUN ['M6']
的 PART ['Z5']
赞比西河 NOUN ['Z99']
以及 CCONJ ['N5++', 'N5.2+', 'A13.3', 'Z5']
西非 PROPN ['Z99']
地区 NOUN ['A1.1.1', 'B3/X1', 'G1.1c', 'W3', 'F4/M7', 'K2', 'M7', 'A4.1', 'N3.6', 'B1', 'T1.1', 'O4.4', 'N5.1-', 'S5+c', 'B3', 'Y1', 'C1/H1@']
的 PART ['Z5']
尼日尔河 NOUN ['Z99']
並列 VERB ['Z99']
非洲 PROPN ['Z2']
最 ADV ['A11.1+', 'N5+++', 'N3.2+++', 'A11.1+++', 'N5.1+', 'O2/M4', 'O3']
大 VERB ['A11.1+', 'N5+++', 'N3.2+++', 'A11.1+++', 'N5.1+', 'O2/M4', 'O3']
的 PART ['Z5']
四 NUM ['N1']
個 NUM ['N1']
河流 NOUN ['W3/M4', 'N5+']
系統 NOUN ['Z99']

For Chinese the tagger also identifies and tags Multi-Word Expressions (MWE), to find these MWE's you can run the following:

print(f'Text\tPOS\tMWE start and end index\tUSAS Tags')
for token in output_doc:
start, end = token._.pymusas_mwe_indexes[0]
if (end - start) > 1:
print(f'{token.text}\t{token.pos_}\t{(start, end)}\t{token._.pymusas_tags}')

Which will output the following:

Text    POS    MWE start and end index    USAS Tags
最 ADV (28, 30) ['A11.1+', 'N5+++', 'N3.2+++', 'A11.1+++', 'N5.1+', 'O2/M4', 'O3']
大 VERB (28, 30) ['A11.1+', 'N5+++', 'N3.2+++', 'A11.1+++', 'N5.1+', 'O2/M4', 'O3']



First download both the Dutch PyMUSAS RuleBasedTagger spaCy component and the small Dutch spaCy model:

pip install
python -m spacy download nl_core_news_sm

Then create the tagger, in a Python script:

import spacy

# We exclude the following components as we do not need them.
nlp = spacy.load('nl_core_news_sm', exclude=['parser', 'ner', 'tagger'])
# Load the Dutch PyMUSAS rule-based tagger in a separate spaCy pipeline
dutch_tagger_pipeline = spacy.load('nl_single_upos2usas_contextual')
# Adds the Dutch PyMUSAS rule-based tagger to the main spaCy pipeline
nlp.add_pipe('pymusas_rule_based_tagger', source=dutch_tagger_pipeline)

The tagger is now set up for tagging text through the spaCy pipeline like so (this example follows on from the last). The example text is taken from the Dutch Wikipedia page on the topic of The Nile River:

text = "De Nijl is met een lengte van 5499 tot 6695 km de langste of de op een na langste rivier van de wereld."

output_doc = nlp(text)

print(f'Text\tLemma\tPOS\tUSAS Tags')
for token in output_doc:
Text    Lemma   POS     USAS Tags
De de DET ['Z5']
Nijl nijl PROPN ['Z99']
is is AUX ['Z99']
met met ADP ['Z5']
een een DET ['Z5']
lengte lengte NOUN ['N3.7', 'T1.3', 'M4']
van van ADP ['Z5']
5499 5499 NUM ['N1']
tot tot ADP ['Z99']
6695 6695 NUM ['N1']
km km SYM ['Z99']
de de DET ['Z5']
langste lang ADJ ['N3.7+', 'T1.3+', 'N3.3+', 'N3.2+', 'X7+']
of of CCONJ ['Z5']
de de DET ['Z5']
op op ADP ['A5.1+', 'G2.2+', 'A1.1.1', 'M6', 'Z5']
een e NUM ['N1', 'T3', 'T1.2', 'Z8']
na na ADP ['N4', 'Z5']
langste lang ADJ ['N3.7+', 'T1.3+', 'N3.3+', 'N3.2+', 'X7+']
rivier rivier NOUN ['W3/M4', 'N5+']
van van ADP ['Z5']
de de DET ['Z5']
wereld wereld NOUN ['W1', 'S5+c', 'A4.1', 'N5+']



First download both the French PyMUSAS RuleBasedTagger spaCy component and the small French spaCy model:

pip install
python -m spacy download fr_core_news_sm

Then create the tagger, in a Python script:

import spacy

# We exclude the following components as we do not need them.
nlp = spacy.load('fr_core_news_sm', exclude=['parser', 'ner'])
# Load the French PyMUSAS rule-based tagger in a separate spaCy pipeline
french_tagger_pipeline = spacy.load('fr_single_upos2usas_contextual')
# Adds the French PyMUSAS rule-based tagger to the main spaCy pipeline
nlp.add_pipe('pymusas_rule_based_tagger', source=french_tagger_pipeline)

The tagger is now set up for tagging text through the spaCy pipeline like so (this example follows on from the last). The example text is taken from the French Wikipedia page on the topic of The Nile River:

text = "Le Nil est un fleuve d'Afrique. Avec une longueur d'environ 6 700 km, c'est avec le fleuve Amazone, le plus long fleuve du monde."

output_doc = nlp(text)

print(f'Text\tLemma\tPOS\tUSAS Tags')
for token in output_doc:
Text      Lemma     POS       USAS Tags
Le le DET ['Z5']
Nil Nil PROPN ['Z99']
est être AUX ['M6']
un un DET ['Z5']
fleuve fleuve NOUN ['W3/M4', 'N5+']
d' de ADP ['Z5']
Afrique Afrique PROPN ['Z99']
Avec avec ADP ['Z5']
une un DET ['Z5']
longueur longueur NOUN ['N3.7', 'T1.3', 'M4']
d' de ADP ['Z5']
environ environ ADV ['Z5']
6 6 DET ['Z99']
700 700 NUM ['N1']
km kilomètre NOUN ['N3.3', 'N3.7']
c' ce PRON ['Z8']
est être VERB ['M6']
avec avec ADP ['Z5']
le le DET ['Z5']
fleuve fleuve NOUN ['W3/M4', 'N5+']
Amazone amazone NOUN ['Z99']
le le DET ['Z5']
plus plus ADV ['Z5']
long long ADJ ['Z99']
fleuve fleuve NOUN ['W3/M4', 'N5+']
du de ADP ['Z5']
monde monde NOUN ['Z99']



First download both the Italian PyMUSAS RuleBasedTagger spaCy component and the small Italian spaCy model:

pip install
python -m spacy download it_core_news_sm

Then create the tagger, in a Python script:

import spacy

# We exclude the following components as we do not need them.
nlp = spacy.load('it_core_news_sm', exclude=['parser', 'ner', 'tagger'])
# Load the Italian PyMUSAS rule-based tagger in a separate spaCy pipeline
italian_tagger_pipeline = spacy.load('it_dual_upos2usas_contextual')
# Adds the Italian PyMUSAS rule-based tagger to the main spaCy pipeline
nlp.add_pipe('pymusas_rule_based_tagger', source=italian_tagger_pipeline)

The tagger is now set up for tagging text through the spaCy pipeline like so (this example follows on from the last). The example text is taken from the Italian Wikipedia page on the topic of The Nile River:

text = "Il Nilo è un fiume africano lungo 6.852 km che attraversa otto stati dell'Africa. Tradizionalmente considerato il fiume più lungo del mondo, contende il primato della lunghezza al Rio delle Amazzoni."

output_doc = nlp(text)

print(f'Text\tLemma\tPOS\tUSAS Tags')
for token in output_doc:
Text              Lemma             POS     USAS Tags
Il il DET ['Z5']
Nilo nilo PROPN ['Z99']
è essere AUX ['A5.1', 'S7.1++', 'X3.2', 'Q2.2', 'A8', 'N3.1%']
un uno DET ['Z5']
fiume fiume NOUN ['W3']
africano africano ADJ ['Z2']
lungo lungo ADP ['Z5']
6.852 6.852 NUM ['N1']
km km NOUN ['N3.3']
che che PRON ['Z8']
attraversa attraversare VERB ['M1', 'M6', 'S8-', 'A1.8+', 'A6.3+', 'F4/L2', 'O4.4', 'Q1.2', 'E3-', 'S1.1.1', 'S9@']
otto otto NUM ['N1']
stati stato NOUN ['G2.1/H1', 'B2', 'A3']
dell' dell' ADP ['Z99']
Africa Africa PROPN ['Z2']
Tradizionalmente tradizionalmente ADV ['Z99']
considerato considerare VERB ['A5.1', 'N2', 'A11.1+', 'Q2.2', 'S1.1.1', 'Q1.3', 'S9%', 'X2.1', 'X2.4', 'X6']
il il DET ['Z5']
fiume fiume NOUN ['W3']
più molto ADV ['N3.3+', 'A13.3']
lungo lungo ADJ ['N3.3+', 'A13.3']
del del ADP ['Z5']
mondo mondo NOUN ['W1']
contende contendere VERB ['S7.3']
il il DET ['Z5']
primato primato NOUN ['A5.1+++', 'A11.1+']
della della ADP ['Z99']
lunghezza lunghezza NOUN ['N3.7', 'T1.3', 'M4']
al al ADP ['Z5']
Rio Rio PROPN ['Z2']
delle della ADP ['Z5']
Amazzoni amazzoni PROPN ['Z99']

For Italian the tagger also identifies and tags Multi-Word Expressions (MWE), to find these MWE's you can run the following:

print(f'Text\tPOS\tMWE start and end index\tUSAS Tags')

for token in output_doc:
start, end = token._.pymusas_mwe_indexes[0]
if (end - start) > 1:
print(f'{token.text}\t{token.pos_}\t{(start, end)}\t{token._.pymusas_tags}')

Which will output the following:

Text    POS     MWE start and end index    USAS Tags
più ADV (20, 22) ['N3.3+', 'A13.3']
lungo ADJ (20, 22) ['N3.3+', 'A13.3']



First download both the Portuguese PyMUSAS RuleBasedTagger spaCy component and the small Portuguese spaCy model:

pip install
python -m spacy download pt_core_news_sm

Then create the tagger, in a Python script:

import spacy

# We exclude the following components as we do not need them.
nlp = spacy.load('pt_core_news_sm', exclude=['parser', 'ner'])
# Load the Portuguese PyMUSAS rule-based tagger in a separate spaCy pipeline
portuguese_tagger_pipeline = spacy.load('pt_dual_upos2usas_contextual')
# Adds the Portuguese PyMUSAS rule-based tagger to the main spaCy pipeline
nlp.add_pipe('pymusas_rule_based_tagger', source=portuguese_tagger_pipeline)

The tagger is now set up for tagging text through the spaCy pipeline like so (this example follows on from the last). The example text is taken from the Portuguese Wikipedia page on the topic of The Nile River:

text = "Todos estes estudos levam a que o comprimento de ambos os rios permaneça em aberto, continuando por isso o debate e como tal, continuando-se a considerar o Nilo como o rio mais longo."

output_doc = nlp(text)

print(f'Text\tLemma\tPOS\tUSAS Tags')
for token in output_doc:
Text            Lemma           POS     USAS Tags
Todos Todos DET ['Z8/N5.1+c']
estes este DET ['Z5', 'Z8']
estudos estudo NOUN ['P1', 'X2.4', 'H2', 'Q1.2', 'C1']
levam levar VERB ['A9+', 'T1.3', 'C1', 'A1.1.1', 'M2', 'S7.1-', 'A2.1+', 'X2.4', 'S6+', 'S7.4+', 'N3', 'A2.1+', 'P1', 'M1', 'X2.5+', 'F1@', 'F2@', 'Q1.2@', 'B3@']
a o SCONJ ['M6', 'Z5']
que que SCONJ ['A13.3', 'A6.1+', 'Z5', 'Z8']
o o DET ['Z5']
comprimento comprimento NOUN ['N3.7', 'T1.3', 'M4']
de de ADP ['Z5']
ambos ambos DET ['N5']
os o DET ['Z5']
rios rio NOUN ['W3/M4', 'N5+']
permaneça permanecer VERB ['T2++', 'M8', 'N5.2+']
em em SCONJ ['A5.1+', 'G2.2+', 'A1.1.1', 'M6', 'O4.2+', 'Z5']
aberto aberto VERB ['A10+', 'T2+']
continuando continuar VERB ['Z99']
por por ADP ['N4', 'Z5', 'T1.2']
isso isso PRON ['N4', 'Z5', 'T1.2']
o o DET ['Z5']
debate debater NOUN ['Q2.1', 'Q2.1/A6.1-', 'Q2.1/E3-', 'Q2.2']
e e CCONJ ['Z5']
como comer ADP ['Z5']
tal tal PRON ['Z5']
continuando-se continuando-se VERB ['Z99']
a o SCONJ ['M6', 'Z5']
considerar considerar VERB ['Z99']
o o DET ['Z5']
Nilo Nilo PROPN ['Z2']
como comer ADP ['Z5']
o o DET ['Z5']
rio rir NOUN ['W3/M4', 'N5+']
mais mais ADV ['T1.3++', 'N3.7++', 'N3.3++', 'N3.2++']
longo longo ADJ ['T1.3++', 'N3.7++', 'N3.3++', 'N3.2++']

For Portuguese the tagger also identifies and tags Multi-Word Expressions (MWE), to find these MWE's you can run the following:

print(f'Text\tPOS\tMWE start and end index\tUSAS Tags')

for token in output_doc:
start, end = token._.pymusas_mwe_indexes[0]
if (end - start) > 1:
print(f'{token.text}\t{token.pos_}\t{(start, end)}\t{token._.pymusas_tags}')

Which will output the following:

Text    POS     MWE start and end index    USAS Tags
por ADP (17, 19) ['N4', 'Z5', 'T1.2']
isso PRON (17, 19) ['N4', 'Z5', 'T1.2']
mais ADV (33, 35) ['T1.3++', 'N3.7++', 'N3.3++', 'N3.2++']
longo ADJ (33, 35) ['T1.3++', 'N3.7++', 'N3.3++', 'N3.2++']



First download both the Spanish PyMUSAS RuleBasedTagger spaCy component and the small Spanish spaCy model:

pip install
python -m spacy download es_core_news_sm

Then create the tagger, in a Python script:

import spacy

# We exclude the following components as we do not need them.
nlp = spacy.load('es_core_news_sm', exclude=['parser', 'ner'])
# Load the Spanish PyMUSAS rule-based tagger in a separate spaCy pipeline
spanish_tagger_pipeline = spacy.load('es_dual_upos2usas_contextual')
# Adds the Spanish PyMUSAS rule-based tagger to the main spaCy pipeline
nlp.add_pipe('pymusas_rule_based_tagger', source=spanish_tagger_pipeline)

The tagger is now set up for tagging text through the spaCy pipeline like so (this example follows on from the last). The example text is taken from the Spanish Wikipedia page on the topic of Países Bajos:

text = "Los Países Bajos son un país soberano ubicado al noreste de la Europa continental y el país constituyente más grande de los cuatro que, junto con las islas de Aruba, Curazao y San Martín, forman el Reino de los Países Bajos."

output_doc = nlp(text)

print(f'Text\tLemma\tPOS\tUSAS Tags')
for token in output_doc:
Text            Lemma           POS     USAS Tags
Los el DET ['Z5']
Países Países PROPN ['Z2']
Bajos Bajos PROPN ['Z2']
son ser AUX ['A3+', 'L1', 'Z5']
un uno DET ['Z5', 'N1']
país país NOUN ['G1.1c', 'W3', 'M7']
soberano soberano ADJ ['Z99']
ubicado ubicado ADJ ['Z99']
al al ADP ['Z5']
noreste noreste NOUN ['Z99']
de de ADP ['Z5']
la el DET ['Z5']
Europa Europa PROPN ['Z2', 'S7', 'M7']
continental continental ADJ ['Z99']
y y CCONJ ['Z5', 'A1.8+']
el el DET ['Z5']
país país NOUN ['G1.1c', 'W3', 'M7']
constituyente constituyente ADJ ['Z99']
más más ADV ['A13.3', 'N6++', 'Z5']
grande grande ADJ ['N3.1+/A6.1+/A13.2+', 'A5']
de de ADP ['Z5']
los el DET ['Z5']
cuatro cuatro NUM ['N1']
que que PRON ['Z5', 'Z8']
junto junto ADJ ['A2.2', 'S5+', 'A1.8+']
con con ADP ['Z5', 'A4.1']
las el DET ['Z5']
islas isla NOUN ['W3M7']
de de ADP ['Z5']
Aruba Aruba PROPN ['Z99']
Curazao Curazao PROPN ['Z99']
y y CCONJ ['Z5', 'A1.8+']
San San PROPN ['S9', 'S2', 'A4.1']
Martín Martín PROPN ['Z1', 'S2']
forman formar VERB ['T2+', 'A2.1+', 'A1.8+', 'A3+', 'A1.1.1']
el el DET ['Z5']
Reino Reino PROPN ['M7']
de de ADP ['Z5']
los el DET ['Z5']
Países Países PROPN ['Z2']
Bajos Bajos PROPN ['Z2']

For Spanish the tagger also identifies and tags Multi-Word Expressions (MWE), to find these MWE's you can run the following:

print(f'Text\tPOS\tMWE start and end index\tUSAS Tags')

for token in output_doc:
start, end = token._.pymusas_mwe_indexes[0]
if (end - start) > 1:
print(f'{token.text}\t{token.pos_}\t{(start, end)}\t{token._.pymusas_tags}')

Which will output the following:

Text    POS     MWE start and end index    USAS Tags
Países PROPN (1, 3) ['Z2']
Bajos PROPN (1, 3) ['Z2']
Países PROPN (42, 44) ['Z2']
Bajos PROPN (42, 44) ['Z2']



First download both the Finnish PyMUSAS RuleBasedTagger spaCy component and the small Finnish spaCy model:

pip install
python -m spacy download fi_core_news_sm

Then create the tagger, in a Python script:

import spacy

# We exclude the following components as we do not need them.
nlp = spacy.load("fi_core_news_sm", exclude=['tagger', 'parser', 'attribute_ruler', 'ner'])
# Load the Finnish PyMUSAS rule-based tagger in a separate spaCy pipeline
finnish_tagger_pipeline = spacy.load('fi_single_upos2usas_contextual')
# Adds the Finnish PyMUSAS rule-based tagger to the main spaCy pipeline
nlp.add_pipe('pymusas_rule_based_tagger', source=finnish_tagger_pipeline)

The tagger is now set up for tagging text through the spaCy pipeline like so (this example follows on from the last). The example text is taken from the Finnish Wikipedia page on the topic of Bank as a financial institution:

text = "Pankki on instituutio, joka tarjoaa finanssipalveluita, erityisesti maksuliikenteen hoitoa ja luotonantoa."

output_doc = nlp(text)

print(f'Text\tLemma\tPOS\tUSAS Tags')
for token in output_doc:
print(f'{"Text":<20}{"Lemma":<20}{"POS":<8}USAS Tags')
for token in output_doc:
Text                Lemma               POS     USAS Tags
Pankki pankki NOUN ['I1/H1', 'K5.2/I1.1']
on olla AUX ['A3+', 'A1.1.1', 'M6', 'Z5']
instituutio instituutio NOUN ['S5+']
joka joka PRON ['Z8', 'N5.1+']
tarjoaa tarjota VERB ['A9-', 'Q2.2', 'F1', 'S6+', 'A7+', 'I2.2']
finanssipalveluita finanssipalvelus NOUN ['Z99']
erityisesti erityisesti ADV ['A14']
maksuliikenteen maksuliikentete NOUN ['Z99']
hoitoa hoito NOUN ['B3', 'S4']
ja ja CCONJ ['Z5']
luotonantoa luotonanto NOUN ['Z99']



In this example, we will not be using spaCy for tokenization, lemmatization, and POS tagging, as we will be using the CyTag toolkit that has been wrapped in a docker container. Therefore, first, you will need to install docker.

We assume that you would like to tag the following text, of which this text is stored in the file named welsh_text_example.txt. The example text is taken from the Welsh Wikipedia page on the topic of Bank as a financial institution. With an additional random sentence at the end to demonstrate the Multi-Word Expression (MWE) identification and tagging attributes of the tagger.

Sefydliad cyllidol yw bancwr neu fanc sy'n actio fel asiant talu ar gyfer cwsmeriaid, ac yn rhoi benthyg ac yn benthyg arian. Yn rhai gwledydd, megis yr Almaen a Siapan, mae banciau'n brif berchenogion corfforaethau diwydiannol, tra mewn gwledydd eraill, megis yr Unol Daleithiau, mae banciau'n cael eu gwahardd rhag bod yn berchen ar gwmniau sydd ddim yn rhai cyllidol. Adran Iechyd Cymru.

First, we will need to run the CyTag toolkit, more specifically we will run version 1 of the toolkit as we have a mapping from the POS tags produced in version 1 (the basic CorCencC POS tagset) to the POS tags that the USAS lexicon uses (the USAS core POS tagset) within the pre-configured Welsh PyMUSAS RuleBasedTagger tagger.

cat welsh_text_example.txt | docker run -i --rm > welsh_text_example.tsv

We now have a tsv version of the file that has been tokenized, lemmatized, and POS tagged. The welsh_text_example.tsv file should contain the following (I have added column headers here to explain what each column represents, these headers should not be in your file, also note that the "Mutation" column is optional):

Line Number Token   Sentence Index, Token Index Lemma   Basic POS   Enriched POS    Mutation
1 Sefydliad 1,1 sefydliad E Egu
2 cyllidol 1,2 cyllidol Ans Anscadu
3 yw 1,3 bod B Bpres3u
4 bancwr 1,4 bancwr E Egu
5 neu 1,5 neu Cys Cyscyd
6 fanc 1,6 banc E Egu +sm
7 sy 1,7 bod B Bpres3perth
8 'n 1,8 yn U Uberf
9 actio 1,9 actio B Be
10 fel 1,10 fel Cys Cyscyd
11 asiant 1,11 asiant | asio E | B Egu | Bpres3ll
12 talu 1,12 talu B Be
13 ar 1,13 ar Ar Arsym
14 gyfer 1,14 cyfer E Egu +sm
15 cwsmeriaid 1,15 cwsmer E Egll
16 , 1,16 , Atd Atdcan
17 ac 1,17 a Cys Cyscyd
18 yn 1,18 yn U Uberf
19 rhoi 1,19 rhoi B Be
20 benthyg 1,20 benthyg E Egu
21 ac 1,21 a Cys Cyscyd
22 yn 1,22 yn U Uberf
23 benthyg 1,23 benthyg B Be
24 arian 1,24 arian E Egu
25 . 1,25 . Atd Atdt
26 Yn 2,1 yn Ar Arsym
27 rhai 2,2 rhai unk unk
28 gwledydd 2,3 gwlad E Ebll
29 , 2,4 , Atd Atdcan
30 megis 2,5 megis Cys Cyscyd
31 yr 2,6 y YFB YFB
32 Almaen 2,7 Almaen E Epb
33 a 2,8 a Cys Cyscyd
34 Siapan 2,9 Siapan E Epb
35 , 2,10 , Atd Atdcan
36 mae 2,11 bod B Bpres3u
37 banciau 2,12 banc E Egll
38 'n 2,13 yn U Utra
39 brif 2,14 brif unk unk
40 berchenogion 2,15 berchenogion unk unk
41 corfforaethau 2,16 corfforaeth E Ebll
42 diwydiannol 2,17 diwydiannol Ans Anscadu
43 , 2,18 , Atd Atdcan
44 tra 2,19 tra Cys Cyscyd
45 mewn 2,20 mewn Ar Arsym
46 gwledydd 2,21 gwlad E Ebll
47 eraill 2,22 arall Ans Anscadu
48 , 2,23 , Atd Atdcan
49 megis 2,24 megis Cys Cyscyd
50 yr 2,25 y YFB YFB
51 Unol 2,26 unol Ans Anscadu
52 Daleithiau 2,27 Daleithiau E Ep
53 , 2,28 , Atd Atdcan
54 mae 2,29 bod B Bpres3u
55 banciau 2,30 banc E Egll
56 'n 2,31 yn U Uberf
57 cael 2,32 cael B Be
58 eu 2,33 eu Rha Rhadib3ll
59 gwahardd 2,34 gwahardd B Be
60 rhag 2,35 rhag Ar Arsym
61 bod 2,36 bod B Be
62 yn 2,37 yn U Utra
63 berchen 2,38 perchen E Egu +sm
64 ar 2,39 ar Ar Arsym
65 gwmniau 2,40 gwmniau unk unk
66 sydd 2,41 bod B Bpres3perth
67 ddim 2,42 dim E Egu +sm
68 yn 2,43 yn U Utra
69 rhai 2,44 rhai unk unk
70 cyllidol 2,45 cyllidol Ans Anscadu
71 . 2,46 . Atd Atdt
72 Adran 3,1 adran E Ebu
73 Iechyd 3,2 iechyd E Egu
74 Cymru 3,3 Cymru E Epb
75 . 3,4 . Atd Atdt

Now we have the token, lemma, and POS tag information we can run the Welsh PyMUSAS RuleBasedTagger, so first we will download it:

pip install

Now we can run the tagger over the tsv data using the following Python script:

from pathlib import Path
from typing import List

import spacy
from spacy.tokens import Doc
from spacy.vocab import Vocab

# Load the Welsh PyMUSAS rule-based tagger
nlp = spacy.load("cy_dual_basiccorcencc2usas_contextual")

tokens: List[str] = []
spaces: List[bool] = []
basic_pos_tags: List[str] = []
lemmas: List[str] = []

welsh_tagged_file = Path(Path.cwd(), 'welsh_text_example.tsv').resolve()

print('Text\tLemma\tPOS\tUSAS Tags')
with'r', encoding='utf-8') as welsh_tagged_data:
for line in welsh_tagged_data:
line = line.strip()
if line:
line_tags = line.split('\t')

# As the tagger is a spaCy component that expects tokens, pos, and lemma
# We need to create a spaCy Doc object that will contain this information
doc = Doc(Vocab(), words=tokens, tags=basic_pos_tags, lemmas=lemmas)
output_doc = nlp(doc)

print(f'Text\tLemma\tPOS\tUSAS Tags')
for token in output_doc:
Text            Lemma           POS     USAS Tags
Sefydliad sefydliad E ['S5+c', 'S7.1+', 'H1c', 'S1.1.1', 'T2+']
cyllidol cyllidol Ans ['I1']
yw bod B ['A3+', 'Z5']
bancwr bancwr E ['Z99']
neu neu Cys ['Z5']
fanc banc E ['I1.1', 'X2.6+', 'M1']
sy bod B ['A3+', 'Z5']
'n yn U ['Z5']
actio actio B ['A1.1.1', 'T1.1.2', 'A8', 'K4']
fel fel Cys ['Z5']
asiant asiant | asio E | B ['I2.1/S2mf', 'G3/S2mf', 'K4/S2mf']
talu talu B ['I1.2', 'A9-', 'I1.1/I3.1']
ar ar Ar ['Z5']
gyfer cyfer E ['M6', 'Q2.2', 'Q2.2', 'S7.1+', 'X4.2', 'K4']
cwsmeriaid cwsmer E ['I2.2/S2mf']
, , Atd ['PUNCT']
ac a Cys ['Z5']
yn yn U ['Z5']
rhoi rhoi B ['A9-', 'A1.1.1']
benthyg benthyg E ['A9-']
ac a Cys ['Z5']
yn yn U ['Z5']
benthyg benthyg B ['A9-']
arian arian E ['I1']
. . Atd ['PUNCT']
Yn yn Ar ['Z5']
rhai rhai unk ['A13.5']
gwledydd gwlad E ['M7']
, , Atd ['PUNCT']
megis megis Cys ['Z5']
yr y YFB ['Z5']
Almaen Almaen E ['Z2']
a a Cys ['Z5']
Siapan Siapan E ['Z2']
, , Atd ['PUNCT']
mae bod B ['A3+', 'Z5']
banciau banc E ['I1.1', 'X2.6+', 'M1']
'n yn U ['Z5']
brif brif unk ['Z99']
berchenogion berchenogion unk ['Z99']
corfforaethau corfforaeth E ['I2.1/S5c', 'G1.1c']
diwydiannol diwydiannol Ans ['I4']
, , Atd ['PUNCT']
tra tra Cys ['Z5']
mewn mewn Ar ['Z5']
gwledydd gwlad E ['M7']
eraill arall Ans ['A6.1-/Z8']
, , Atd ['PUNCT']
megis megis Cys ['Z5']
yr y YFB ['Z5']
Unol unol Ans ['S5+', 'A1.1.1']
Daleithiau Daleithiau E ['Z99']
, , Atd ['PUNCT']
mae bod B ['A3+', 'Z5']
banciau banc E ['I1.1', 'X2.6+', 'M1']
'n yn U ['Z5']
cael cael B ['A9+', 'Z5', 'X9.2+', 'A2.1+', 'A2.2', 'M1', 'M2', 'X2.5+', 'E4.1-']
eu eu Rha ['Z8']
gwahardd gwahardd B ['S7.4-']
rhag rhag Ar ['Z5']
bod bod B ['A3+', 'Z5']
yn yn U ['Z5']
berchen perchen E ['A9+/S2mf']
ar ar Ar ['Z5']
gwmniau gwmniau unk ['Z99']
sydd bod B ['A3+', 'Z5']
ddim dim E ['Z6/Z8']
yn yn U ['Z5']
rhai rhai unk ['A13.5']
cyllidol cyllidol Ans ['I1']
. . Atd ['PUNCT']
Adran adran E ['G1.1']
Iechyd iechyd E ['G1.1']
Cymru Cymru E ['Z2', 'Z1mf']
. . Atd ['PUNCT']

For Welsh the tagger also identifies and tags Multi-Word Expressions (MWE), to find these MWE's you can run the following:

print(f'Text\tPOS\tMWE start and end index\tUSAS Tags')
for token in output_doc:
start, end = token._.pymusas_mwe_indexes[0]
if (end - start) > 1:
print(f'{token.text}\t{token.tag_}\t{(start, end)}\t{token._.pymusas_tags}')

Which will output the following:

Text    POS     MWE start and end index    USAS Tags
Adran E (71, 73) ['G1.1']
Iechyd E (71, 73) ['G1.1']



In this example, we will not be using spaCy for tokenization, lemmatization, and POS tagging, as we will be using the Indonesian TreeTagger that has been wrapped in a docker container. Therefore, first, you will need to install docker. After installing docker you will need to build the Indonesian TreeTagger docker container locally, of which by doing this you agree to the TreeTagger license (this license stops you from re-distributing the TreeTagger code, therefore please do not upload your built docker container to a registry like Docker Hub), like so (docker container size roughly 139MB):

docker build -t indonesian-treetagger:1.0.0

We assume that you would like to tag the following text, of which this text is stored in the file named indonesian_text_example.txt. The example text is taken from the Indonesian Wikipedia page on the topic of Bank as a financial institution.

Bank adalah sebuah lembaga keuangan intermediasi yang umumnya didirikan dengan kewenangan untuk menerima simpanan uang, meminjamkan uang, dan menerbitkan surat sanggup bayar.

First, we will need to run the Indonesian TreeTagger:

cat indonesian_text_example.txt | docker run -i --rm indonesian-treetagger:1.0.0 > indonesian_text_example.tsv

We now have a tsv version of the file that has been tokenized, lemmatized, and POS tagged. The indonesian_text_example.tsv file should contain the following (I have added column headers here to explain what each column represents, these headers should not be in your file):


The POS tagset for Indonesian is not the USAS core or UPOS tagset, but rather the UI tagset.

Token   POS Lemma
Bank NNP bank
adalah VB adalah
sebuah NND sebuah
lembaga keuangan NN lembaga
intermediasi NN intermediasi
yang SC yang
umumnya NN umumnya
didirikan VB diri
dengan IN dengan
kewenangan NN wenang
untuk SC untuk
menerima VB terima
simpanan NN simpan
uang NN uang
, Z ,
meminjamkan VB pinjam
uang NN uang
, Z ,
dan CC dan
menerbitkan VB terbit
surat NN surat
sanggup VB sanggup
bayar VB bayar
. Z .

Now we have the token, lemma, and POS tag information we can run the Indonsian PyMUSAS RuleBasedTagger, so first we will download it:

pip install

Now we can run the tagger over the tsv data using the following Python script:

from pathlib import Path
from typing import List

import spacy
from spacy.tokens import Doc
from spacy.vocab import Vocab

# Load the Indonesian PyMUSAS rule based tagger
nlp = spacy.load("id_single_none_contextual")

tokens: List[str] = []
spaces: List[bool] = []
pos_tags: List[str] = []
lemmas: List[str] = []

indonesian_tagged_file = Path(Path.cwd(), 'indonesian_text_example.tsv').resolve()

print('Text\tLemma\tPOS\tUSAS Tags')
with'r', encoding='utf-8') as indonesian_tagged_data:
for line in indonesian_tagged_data:
line = line.strip()
if line:
line_tags = line.split('\t')

# As the tagger is a spaCy component that expects tokens, pos, and lemma
# we need to create a spaCy Doc object that will contain this information
doc = Doc(Vocab(), words=tokens, tags=pos_tags, lemmas=lemmas)
output_doc = nlp(doc)

print(f'Text\tLemma\tPOS\tUSAS Tags')
for token in output_doc:
Text                Lemma               POS     USAS Tags
Bank bank NNP ['Z99']
adalah adalah VB ['Z99']
sebuah sebuah NND ['Z99']
lembaga keuangan lembaga NN ['Z99']
intermediasi intermediasi NN ['Z99']
yang yang SC ['Z5']
umumnya umumnya NN ['Z99']
didirikan diri VB ['Z99']
dengan dengan IN ['Z5']
kewenangan wenang NN ['Z99']
untuk untuk SC ['Z5']
menerima terima VB ['Z99']
simpanan simpan NN ['Z99']
uang uang NN ['Z99']
, , Z ['PUNCT']
meminjamkan pinjam VB ['Z99']
uang uang NN ['Z99']
, , Z ['PUNCT']
dan dan CC ['Z5']
menerbitkan terbit VB ['Z99']
surat surat NN ['Z99']
sanggup sanggup VB ['Z99']
bayar bayar VB ['Z99']
. . Z ['PUNCT']



First download both the English PyMUSAS RuleBasedTagger spaCy component and the small English spaCy model:

pip install
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm

Then create the tagger, in a Python script:

import spacy

# We exclude the following components as we do not need them.
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm', exclude=['parser', 'ner'])
# Load the English PyMUSAS rule-based tagger in a separate spaCy pipeline
english_tagger_pipeline = spacy.load('en_dual_none_contextual')
# Adds the English PyMUSAS rule-based tagger to the main spaCy pipeline
nlp.add_pipe('pymusas_rule_based_tagger', source=english_tagger_pipeline)

The tagger is now set up for tagging text through the spaCy pipeline like so (this example follows on from the last). The example text is taken from the English Wikipedia page on the topic of The Nile River, we capitalised the n in Northeastern:

text = "The Nile is a major north-flowing river in Northeastern Africa."

output_doc = nlp(text)

print(f'Text\tLemma\tPOS\tUSAS Tags')
for token in output_doc:
Text            Lemma           POS     USAS Tags
The the DET ['Z5']
Nile Nile PROPN ['Z2']
is be AUX ['A3+', 'Z5']
a a DET ['Z5']
major major ADJ ['A11.1+', 'N3.2+']
north north NOUN ['M6']
flowing flow VERB ['M4', 'M1']
river river NOUN ['W3/M4', 'N5+']
in in ADP ['Z5']
Northeastern Northeastern PROPN ['Z1mf', 'Z3c']
Africa Africa PROPN ['Z1mf', 'Z3c']

For English, the tagger also identifies and tags Multi-Word Expressions (MWE), to find these MWE's you can run the following:

print(f'Text\tPOS\tMWE start and end index\tUSAS Tags')

for token in output_doc:
start, end = token._.pymusas_mwe_indexes[0]
if (end - start) > 1:
print(f'{token.text}\t{token.pos_}\t{(start, end)}\t{token._.pymusas_tags}')

Which will output the following:

Text            POS             MWE start and end index     USAS Tags
Northeastern PROPN (10, 12) ['Z1mf', 'Z3c']
Africa PROPN (10, 12) ['Z1mf', 'Z3c']