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class Rule(Serialise)

An abstract class that defines the basic method, __call__, that is required for all Rules.

A Rule when called, __call__, creates a List of rules matches for each token, whereby each rule matched is defined by the pymusas.rankers.ranking_meta_data.RankingMetaData object. These rules matches per token can then be, optionally, combined with other rule matches per token from other Rule classes to then be ranked by a pymusas.rankers.lexicon_entry.LexiconEntryRanker.


class Rule(Serialise):
| ...
| @abstractmethod
| def __call__(
| self,
| tokens: List[str],
| lemmas: List[str],
| pos_tags: List[str]
| ) -> List[List[RankingMetaData]]

For each token it returns a List of rules matches defined by the pymusas.rankers.ranking_meta_data.RankingMetaData object.

Each List of tokens, lemmas, and pos_tags are assumed to be of equal length.


  • tokens : List[str]
    The tokens that are within the text.
  • lemmas : List[str]
    The lemmas of the tokens.
  • pos_tags : List[str]
    The Part Of Speech tags of the tokens.


  • List[List[RankingMetaData]]