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spaCy registered functions for reading in a pymusas.lexicon_collection.LexiconCollection or pymusas.lexicon_collection.MWELexiconCollection from a TSV file.


def lexicon_collection_from_tsv(
tsv_file_path: Union[PathLike, str],
include_pos: bool = True
) -> Dict[str, List[str]]

pymusas.LexiconCollection.from_tsv is a registered function under the @misc function register. Given a tsv_file_path it will return a dictionary object that can be used to create a pymusas.lexicon_collection.LexiconCollection.


  • tsv_file_path : Union[PathLike, str]
    A file path or URL to a TSV file that contains at least two fields, with an optional third, with the following headings:

    1. lemma,

    2. semantic_tags

    3. pos (Optional)

      All other fields will be ignored.

  • include_pos : bool, optional (default = True)
    Whether to include the POS information, if the information is avaliable, or not. See add_lexicon_entry for more information on this parameter.


  • Dict[str, List[str]]


def mwe_lexicon_collection_from_tsv(
tsv_file_path: Union[PathLike, str]
) -> Dict[str, List[str]]

pymusas.MWELexiconCollection.from_tsv is a registered function under the @misc function register. Given a tsv_file_path it will return a dictionary object that can be used to create a pymusas.lexicon_collection.MWELexiconCollection.


  • tsv_file_path : Union[PathLike, str]
    A file path or URL to a TSV file that contains at least these two fields:

    1. mwe_template,

    2. semantic_tags

      All other fields will be ignored.


  • Dict[str, List[str]]